The 6.0.0. release of Angular is finally available. With bright new changes come new questions and among them: Bootstrap or Material Design? What is better for Angular 6? Before we dive into…
Author: Futurum Technology Team
RxJava and Reactive programming
We can hear more and more about RxJava, Reactive extensions or Reactive programming in general nowadays. The hype is increasing, many tech conferences covers the topic of those concepts . We can…
#Java or Node.js
So you have an idea for a great web application and you struggle with choosing the best technology stack. Do you hesitate between Java based stack and Node.js for your server side?…
React vs Angular: Brief comparison as of the beginning of 2018
Lately, a lot has been written about React and Angular. With the beginning of 2018 and the release of new versions of both Angular vs React, it’s worth taking another look at…
LESS vs Sass. Which one to choose?
What are preprocessors? CSS preprocessors have quickly gain enormous popularity and become popular tools to speed up and ease the work of Front End Developers. If you are not familiar with them,…
Angular v4 – important features
You are starting to set up new web application and you are wondering what tools use on frontend? Or maybe you are not happy with current solutions and you are looking for…